dontkillspike Jul 22, 2014 12:00
movie: kessi blue, cast: sarah michelle gellar, twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: buffy, cast: eliza dushku, event: the hellmouth 2015, twitter, event: megacon, event: boston comic con
dontkillspike Jun 25, 2014 12:00
cast: anthony stewart head, twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: angel, tv: buffy, ghost of the robot, event: philadelphia comic con, twitter, tv: smallville, ghost of the robot pics, event: megacon
dontkillspike May 31, 2014 12:00
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: buffy, event: comicpalooza, twitter, event: megacon, event: atlanta comic con, event: boston comic con
dontkillspike May 30, 2014 12:00
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: angel, event: comicpalooza, movie: dragon warriors, event: chicago comic con, event: san antonio comic con 2014, event: megacon, ghost of the robot, tv: buffy, tv: supernatural, tv: supernatural pics, twitter, event: gotr 2014 euro tour, event: tulsa comic con, jm-top, audiobook: dresden files
dontkillspike May 30, 2014 11:39
cast: james marsters, event: megacon
dontkillspike May 20, 2014 12:00
twitter updates, movie: dragon warriors pics, cast: james marsters, tv: angel, tv: buffy, event: comicpalooza, angel comics, movie: dragon warriors, twitter, cast: alexis denisof, cast: james c leary, buffy comics, event: megacon, event: atlanta comic con
dontkillspike May 12, 2014 12:00
twitter updates, james marsters fanart, cast: james marsters, tv: angel, tv: buffy, movie: dragon warriors video, movie: dragon warriors, twitter, tv: smallville, jm-top, event: megacon
dontkillspike May 11, 2014 14:39
spike comics, ghost of the robot video, cast: sarah michelle gellar, character: buffy summers, cast: james marsters, tv: supernatural, tv: buffy, ghost of the robot, couple: spuffy, character: spike, tv: smallville, event: megacon, cast: charisma carpenter
dontkillspike Apr 11, 2014 12:00
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: metal hurlant chronicles, tv: angel, tv: buffy, event: new york comic con, event: minneapolis comic con, twitter, poll, tv: smallville, tv: metal hurlant chronicles video, event: megacon, event: salt lake city fanx 2014
dontkillspike Apr 09, 2014 12:00
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, james marsters pics, buffy comics, event: megacon, calendar updates, james marsters fanart, ghost of the robot, tv: buffy, event: buffy fanmeet, event: concert, twitter, crew: joss whedon, spike action figure, event: gotr 2014 euro tour, event: atlanta comic con